A handwritten note is something so simple, but it can be so powerful.

Bald Eagle High School junior Bradley Crestani knows how it lifts spirits.

“I get a birthday card in the mail and I light up,” Crestani told us. “I think cards and letters are just little messages to let people know there are still people around here who care.”

After the deadly mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the Eagles here in Central Pennsylvania are sending love to the Eagles in Parkland, Florida.

“I think it just added a little extra special meaning to the whole project,” Jack Tobias, Bald Eagle Area High School principal, said. “A lot of the kids had on their cards ‘Eagles supporting Eagles’ and ‘Birds of a Feather Fight Together.'”

Around 500 cards were made. We’re told they’re tokens of hope, showing victims they’re not alone.

“I know these cards can’t replace what was lost, but I ultimately hope they can find some kind of peace, some kind of hope,” Crestani explained.

Each one is filled with a special message to show even though the schools are more than 1,000 miles apart, they’re Eagles supporting Eagles.

Principal Tobias said he wrote a letter to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas principal and also included an Eagle pin from the school.

The cards are supposed to be sent this week.