Learning is something that might look a lot different now as many kids are being taught by their parents at home. Our Morgan Koziar spoke to one local mom of three about how she’s navigating this ‘new normal’ when it comes to balancing their family’s schedule. Annie Davis says she’s learned a lot through this process and the way she spends her time.

For many kids, school looks a little bit different these days. with schools being forced to shut down due to the Coronavirus, parents are stepping up to provide an educational experience for their kids.

“I think the biggest thing for us is to keep a routine and to keep structure but also to keep them excited about what they’re doing, so we get outside often, I try to do things that they feel like they want to do, so we have a happy balance between very traditional school I used to teach school for 7 seven years so very traditional but also kid driven things,” says Annie.

Annie Davis, a Hollidaysburg mom of three has learned that kids can really learn anywhere.

“Learning can happen in any type of environment it doesn’t have to cost any money um you don’t necessarily have to have an understanding and lesson plans, it can happen super organically and can happen when you’re going about your day-to-day life,” Annie said.

And with so much responsibility, Annie says you can’t forget about yourself in the process, “I have to there are things in my day that are just absolute non negotiable – I have to exercise everyday, I have to do a form of something that involves just Annie so whether that just be listening to a podcast or putting in my headset and just sort of like tuning out – my kids will be fine and they will survive without mom 24/7 I think you have to carve out that time that is completely devoted to self care.”

While it can seem like a pretty negative time for some – Annie says she’s been able to reflect on the things that maybe were taken for granted, “just taking a second everyday to realize how lucky we are to have the accessibility to all of the things that we do and not taking for granted that person that used to be out and about, shaking someone’s hand giving somebody a hug, i’m a hugger so not being able to hug is a big deal for me.”