Bellefonte Little Leaguers will soon have a much needed new field, thanks to a local construction company.

The baseball league says they’ve grown close to 250 players, making it impossible for 15 to 20 games a week to be played on their two fields. Heavy rains make it more challenging.

Bellefonte Little league says thanks to Glen O Hawbaker Inc. breaking ground Wednesday on a new field for free they’ll finally have what they need.

“We’re growing, most people aren’t and it’s so vital for us that we’re able to give out kids a great experience,” Bill Carey, President for Bellefonte Little League, said. “Having this extra space is going to be dynamite for us.”

Glen O Hawbaker Inc. will do all the grading, site work and lay the grass for the new field within the next few weeks.

Bellefonte Little League hopes to get fencing and dirt equipment and work donated, to have their field ready by next May.