A Johnstown pharmacist is indicted by a federal grand jury in Pittsburgh on charges of dispensing and distributing controlled substances and conspiring to distribute and dispense controlled substances.

Fifty-three year old Joseph Martella is charged with 109 indictments.

According to the indictment, Martella owned Martella’s Pharmacy on Franklin Street in Johnstown. Martella allegedly conspired with Dr. Peter James Ridella, who previously pleaded guilty, and with an someone known as “J.R.”, to create and submit unlawful prescriptions for oxycodone; oxycodone and acetaminophen, also known as Percocet; oxymorphone, also known as Opana; morphine sulfate, also known as MS Contin and hydrocodone and acetaminophen, also known as Vicodin, and then unlawfully dispensed those controlled substances to other persons.

Martells faces a maximum per count sentence of 20 years in prison, a fine of $1,000,000 or both.