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Group asks State Sen. Langerholc for refund

The conservative group Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania wants the Republican senator for District 35 (Cambria, Bedford and part of Clearfield County) to pay back a little over $13,000.

The group spent the money on postcards sent to constituents, supporting Langerholc’s pledge to not sign up for a pension if elected.

After Sen. Langerholc took office in January, he took the pension plan, but said he will fight for reform.

Leo Knepper is the CEO of Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania. He said the group is mad because member feel Sen. Langerholc lied.

“We were floored. This was the first time we had anyone break their word like this,” said Leo Knepper, the CEO of Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania.

They also said he is participating in a system they call unconstitutional and dysfunctional, with around $60 billion in unfunded liability.

“Just an incredible disappointment that someone who came in and told us that the system was bankrupt and there were all kinds of problems with it, would pretty much as his first act of office, break his word to us and sign up for the pension,” Knepper said.

Knepper said the group will consider legal action if possible, but they’re already looking to the 2020 election and which candidates they would support.

“Politicians seem to get away with breaking their word and that’s just not acceptable. At this point, the ball’s pretty much in his court,” said Knepper.

WTAJ News reached out to Sen. Langerholc for comment, but we have not heard back yet.