Governor Wolf is pushing for universal background checks for gun purchases in Pennsylvania. 

“Universal background checks are one of the best ways that we can keep weapons out of the hands of threatening individuals,” said Wolf.

Currently in Pennsylvania, a background check isn’t required for a purchase between two private parties for guns, classified as “long guns.”

Acting state police commissioner Lt. Col. Robert evanchick says the “Pennsylvania Instant Check System” or pics, has been lauded across the country for it’s effectiveness.

“Through its diligent work, pics has prevented thousands of prohibited persons from illegally obtaining either firearms or a license to carry.” said Evenchick.

It’s the latest push for gun legislation from the state capitol this year. The House Judiciary Committee held several hearings on potential bills over the last two weeks. 

In Washington, Republican US Senator Pat Toomey , recently re-introduced his bill to expand background checks. Senator Toomey said he thinks it’s reasonable to require a background check on commercial gun sales.  

The governor also asked house members to pass Senate Bill 501, which would prevent those with “protection from abuse orders” against them from owning or possessing guns.

“I’m calling on the house to pass Senate Bill 501 and to get it to my desk as quickly as possible, so i can sign it into law,” said Wolf.

That bill actually passed the senate unanimously. 
As for universal background checks, Wolf said he is not sure if such a bill would have enough support to pass.