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Garden with Christy – Part 2

A few weeks ago we started germinating seeds. You can click here to find out how to start this process. Now, it is time to take the next steps to get your seeds ready to plant in the garden, after the last frost.

After your seeds start to sprout, and have some leaves on them, it is time to cut some away. You will want to leave only the strongest sprout in each peet tray. Once all of your seedlings are snipped, the next thing you want to do is take your peet trays and create individual little pots for each seedling. This is so they are into their own spaces. Now that they are in their own cut out containers, it is time to re-pot them.

Next, fill your planter about 3/4 of the way full with soil. Also, make sure to moisten the soil with water. You then want to spray your peet tray with water and plant them into the planter. Cover the peet tray with some soil, but make sure the seedling is still sticking outside of the soil.

Once you have your seedlings re-potted into your planter, you want to keep them indoors until the last frost. However, you want to start introducing your seedlings to being outside. This process is called “hardening off.” So what you will want to do is on a nice sunny day, bring your plants outside and let them get acclimated with being outdoors. Always bring them inside at night so that they do not get damaged. Keep them inside the rest of the time and keep watering them until it is safe to plant outdoors.