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Funding available for violence prevention initiatives

State Rep. Frank Burns says he wants to alert municipalities, institutions of higher learning, counties and community-based organizations of a grant opportunity to help them create violence-prevention initiatives.

“This funding can help ensure our schools and the communities that surround them are safe places,” Burns said. “Public safety should be a priority, and I encourage those who are eligible to apply for this funding.”

Appliacants for the 2019 Community  Violence Prevention Grants can submit propsals for projects up to two years designed to reduce community violence, and may request up to $350,000. 

All applications are due by Thursday, February 7 to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Deliquency. Awards will be announced during the public meeting of the School Safety and Security Committee in April.

Those interested in applying should visit https://www.pccdegrants.pa.gov/Egrants/Public/OpenAnnouncements.aspx. Interested applicants that are not already registered in PCCD’s E-grants system must register before applying:https://www.pccd.pa.gov/Funding/Pages/Egrants-Home.aspx.

Schools that applied for the School Safety and Security Grant Program funding by October 12, 2018 will be able to revise and resubmit their applcations between Monday, February 4 and Friday, February 25.

The funding is possible through Act 44 of 2018 which established the School Safety and Security Grant Program and specified that up to 12.5% or $7.5 million would be set aside for community violence prevention.

The funding for these grants became available in 2018-19 under Act 44 of 2018, which established the School Safety and Security Grant Program and specified that up to 12.5 percent, or $7.5 million, would be earmarked for community violence prevention.