A suicide awareness and prevention training was held in Cambria County on Friday.

The QPR (“question, persuade and refer”) trainings are free for anyone in the community, like teachers or employees.

The classes teach you what signs to look out for and how to help someone in need.

“Anyone can prevent suicide. You don’t have to be a professional. Anyone can recognize the signs and anyone can save a life. They can be that person to plant that seed of hope,” said Tanya Kvarta, the executive director of Behavioral Health of Cambria County (BHoCC).

You can sign up for the free trainings by contacting:

     Bevahioral Health of Cambria County by calling: 814-534-4436 or emailing: tkvarta@bhocc.org

Or by contacting:

     Magellan Healthcare by calling:814-961-0684 or emailing: TShultz@MagellanHealth.com

Next week, Oct. 7-13 is National Mental Health Awareness Week.

To contact the Cambria Reach Line, call: 877-268-9463.

To contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, call: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).