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Free clinic reacts to overdose treatment bill

We told you last week that a proposed bill could require overdose survivors to seek treatment or face jail time.

House Bill 1501, proposed by State Representative Frank Burns, would require people who overdose on opioids to seek treatment within 30 days or go to jail.

The bill proposes that treatment would be paid for by pharmaceutical companies who have promoted the opioid crisis.

The director of the Johnstown Free medical Clinic, also called Highlands Health, said the bill could work, but funding and available space at treatment centers are ongoing issues.

“I think we need to think through our legislation. Propose something that has substance and enough funding for the recovery programs and the staffing to make it a reality,” said Rosalie Danchanko, the executive director of the clinic.

Burns’ bill is similar to proposed legislation in the state senate, which seeks to toughen existing state laws regarding drug overdose response immunity.