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Exercising to create a healthier community at Point of Fitness

A woman in Duncansville is making it her mission to help make the community stronger and healthier with on special class.

It’s called Downsize Fitness. You Squat, do push ups, jump rope, but all modified at a pace for people are hitting the weights for the first time years.

Nicole Estep created her class Downsize Fitness because of personal experience.

“When I first started my journey I was 60 pounds heavier than I was now.”


It’s all about taking your standard work out routine, but simplifying it with pushups against the wall and modified squats to help make a move that many struggle with a possibility.

“We show modifications for everything that’s what I really wanted to create in this class just for people that had mobility issues, people that had injuries, or just started out on their fitness journey and are scared to come to the gym,” explained Estep.

Alexandra Castrechini started the class about four weeks ago. She wanted to get in the gym after losing a loved one. 

“My dad passed way about two years ago he was obese and had high blood pressure and that encouraged me to get healthier and to help my mom also. I want her to stick around a lot longer.” 

The instructors come up with routine, demonstrate the moves, and then the work out begins – with words of encouragement and high fives all around. 

“It’s very supporting and a positive atmosphere everyone’s trying to push you encourage you. I just love it,” explained Castrechini. “I look in the mirror and it’s like yeah I’m doing great. I feel really good about it.” 

Estep’s message to anyone starting his or her weight loss journey: “You’re beautiful, you’re worth it, you’re strong. No matter where you are in your journey whether you’re starting out day 1 or if you’re here 191. Wherever you’re at in that span you know it’s getting your mind right.”