During the COVID-19 pandemic, protective gear like face masks are in demand. Nationwide, companies have been rushing– changing up their factories to fill the need. It’s a movement that has even found its way to our area. A creative studio in Altoona is welcoming creators and makers to come and create anything they can imagine using the technology of 3D printing, robotics, and other mediums. With the Coronavirus pandemic limiting so many supplies for medical professionals – the studio is now utilizing their space for production the creators at catalyst space in Altoona – are using their technology for good.

“People with 3D printers are helping, and I stumbled upon one of those stories and looked into it and found a whole community making these masks and thought I could contribute as well” says Catalyst Space director, Justin Merrell. Layer by layer these printers are working to create face masks and shields for local medical professionals. While it’s not typically what they do on any given day – it doesn’t mean they aren’t fully equipped for the job, and ready to help.

“We’re doing our part to help stop the spread and help those who are interacting with patients” says Justin,

But they’re not doing it alone, they’re asking for the community to help pitch in. Justin says the studio is planning on making 1,500 of them and they’re looking to raise upwards of $5,000 dollars to just cover the cost of materials and productions to get them into the hands of those who need it as quickly as possible.

It’s a process that takes hours, but for this creative studio – they’re protecting those on the front line.

To help donate to the cost and production of these masks and face shields click here.