The votes are in and Bernie Cantorna clinched nearly 70% of the votes.

The candidates have some history together; in a Facebook post Stacy Parks Miller called it an “ugly political whirlwind.”

But write-in votes are still being counted and could get her back in the race.

Before voters hit the polls Tuesday, Parks Miller and Cantorna faced off in a tense election.

In light of a loss, Parks Miller issued a statement which indirectly called out Cantorna, saying he has indirectly accused her of wrongdoing in the courtroom.

Specifically, after allegations that she  forged a judges signature, which she was later cleared of.

Cantorna said ultimately their competition for primaries was just politics.

“I guess it’s an election, and people are vested in it and they want a result so there is tension just naturally in the process,” Cantorna said.

There’s still a glimpse of hope for Parks Miller.

There’s 4568 write-in votes to count.

According to election officials if Parks Miller earns at least 250 and the majority of the votes, she can make November’s ballot.

Joyce McKinley, Dir., Elections and Voter Registration in Centre County, said a day after the election, the votes recorded thus far were not promising

She said that write-ins come with a lot of variables and all-too often voters abuse the right.

“Cartoon characters…Just I don’t know whether if they’re doing it as a joke or what they’re doing but….it gets old,” McKinley said.

A polling move that’s no joke for a candidate lacking real votes.

Mckinley said the write-in votes  will take about a week to count.