Speed cameras in construction zones could soon be coming to Pennsylvania.

Senate bill 172 has already passed the senate and is currently waiting approval in the House of Representatives. If passed, it would establish a five year pilot program allowing Penndot to place speed cameras in active work zones on limited access highways.

A $100 fine would be assessed to the owner of a car going at least 11 miles over the speed limit. No points would be issued. 

 “Speed cameras would help slow all the motorists down and reduce the incidents of the kinds of crashes that kill people.” said Sarah Clark Stuart with the bicycle coalition of greater Philadelphia.

The President of Delaware Valley Smart Growth Alliance, Jason Duckworth supports the bill. “Speed camera technology works,” said Duckworth.

But not everyone agrees. The “National Motorists Association” is opposed to speed cameras.. They say they can generate false readings, and the actual driver can’t be positively identified. On their website, they say “speed cameras encourage artificially low speed limits and revenue-driven enforcement.”

Clark Stuart defends the cameras stating, “The revenue that comes from these speed cameras will be distributed throughout the state. They will only go for safety projects. This is not a general revenue generator.’