STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (WTAJ) — College Township released a statement on Friday following a report regarding concerns about a large wresting tournament happening this weekend.

The State College Police Department received an email on Thursday from a concerned citizen fearing the event is in violation of COVID-19 guidelines. The SCPD shared the information with College Township where they confirmed the event, The Olympic Club Duals, wrestling tournament is set to be held at the C3 Sports Complex this weekend.

The 3-day tournament is set to begin Friday, September 11 at 5 p.m. and conclude on Sunday, September 13. The tournament features 64 teams wrestling on 28 mats. Each team features between 12 to 19 persons per team and 2-4 coaches per team. In addition, the tournament will require 42 security and administrative personnel on-site and 33 referees working the tournament.

College Township believes the event will be in violation of the state COVID-19 guidelines for maximum gathering size, which is not to exceed more than 50% of the approved occupancy of the building, and thereby in violation of College Township’s recently adopted Temporary Additional COVID Restrictions ordinance. The estimated 1,100+ people attending or participating in this event clearly places this community in danger of further COVID-19 transmissions.

Add to the sheer attendance numbers the fact that the 64 teams participating represent at least 12 states including California, Arizona, Oklahoma, Florida, and Kansas, and this event can easily become a super-spreader event for COVID-19. As we know, the Centre Region is currently struggling under the return of 45,000 students to our community and the health and economic well-being of the Centre Region hangs by a thread.

Statement from College Township

Since learning of this event, College Township has taken action to mitigate the impacts of
the tournament. Unfortunately, the Township is unable to legally shut it down. In order to
accomplish this goal, an injunction must be filed by an entity with proper jurisdiction.

State College Police also made a statement on their twitter account saying that they are prepared to take enforcement action utilizing citations and fines but clarifies that they cannot legally prevent the tournament from moving forward.

College Township has notified the Governor’s office, the Department of Health and the
Attorney General’s office requesting their assistance to seek an injunction and close down
the potential super-spreader event. However, the Township has received no response from Harrisburg to their request.

The Township also clarifies that they do not begrudge the young men and women choosing to attend the tournament or the local hotel industry utilizing an opportunity to fill rooms but also states that now is the wrong time and place to be doing so.

It is reckless to risk a super-spreader event and College Township is deeply concerned for the health and welfare of our residents and the residents of Centre County and disappointed that this event has not been cancelled.

Statement from College Township