As 8-year-old Ryen Cherry waits for a fish to take a bite on her line, she knows her several years of practice will come in handy.

“I’m a pro by now,” she smiled. “I know how to cast a fishing rod and stuff.”

Ryen was out at the Coldstream Foundation’s annual children’s fishing derby in Philipsburg. It’s a time for families to come out and enjoy the outdoors.

“It’s all about spending time with family and spending time with your kids,” Steve Riley, who brought his son, said. “It’s just good quality time to spend.”

The day was peaceful as the water at the Coldstream Dam sparkled on a sunny Saturday. The event is organized so people can appreciate what the area has to offer.

“It’s always a good day for fishing,” Riley said. “Hopefully my boy catches a big fish today. We’re enjoying this beautiful park.”

The biggest fish of the day was measured at 15-inches, but there were also some other great contenders. Unfortunately, Ryen was still waiting for hers.

“We can’t catch anything,” she told us, “I don’t know why. We have tried everything.”

Fish on the line or not, the kids definitely were reeling in some quality fun.