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Children living in filth, mother arrested

An area mother is facing charges after police say they found her high on drugs, and her three children living in poor conditions.

According to the Altoona Mirror, Altoona police found Nicole McElwain stumbling down Lloyd Street around 4 a.m. on Tuesday.

The Mirror reports when the officers talked to her, they said she seemed confused, and could not remember what time it was or even her children’s names.That’s when police escorted her back to her home, and noticed a small child was sleeping on a chair.

The officers entered the home to check on the kids, and found that they were living in appalling conditions.Broken glass, dog feces, and garbage were left on the floors.

There were also two more alleged drug users found sleeping in piles of dirty clothes in the home’s basement.

McElwain was taken into custody is now facing several charges including child endangerment, recklessly endangering another person, and drug possession.

She is currently out of the Blair County Prison on bail.

Her children are being cared for by a relative with the help of Blair County Children, Youth & Family services.