A Centre County swimming pool is getting a grant to buy an automated external defibrillator.

State Representative Mike Hannah made the announcement Monday.

The Mountain Top Area Pool Association, a non-profit pool based in Snow Shoe, is getting $2,000 for the defibrillator for use at the facility. They’re getting the grant from the Centre County Planning Association.

Two Clinton County Youth Sports Leagues are also getting grants for equipment. These grants are coming from the Clinton County Economic Partnership. The Central PA Youth Basketball Organization is getting $400 to buy new basketballs and aftershock softball will receive $375 for new softball equipment. 
The Keystone Communities Grant Program  is operated through the State Department of Community and Economic Development. It can be used for planning activities, facade grant programs, accessible housing programs and development grants. It encourages public and private sector partnerships, and allows communities to tailor assistance to meet specific revitalization efforts.