Adam Clampet has a knack for gardening.
Even though this hobby didn’t start until later in life, you might be able to trace his green thumb back to when he was just a kid.
“I remember growing up and going to my mother’s uncle’s house and actually playing in the garden and eating string beans,” Clampet, who started Crops for Christ, told us.
In fact, as an adult, he’s always had a garden somewhere. It has become a passion and he’s using it to make sure no one goes hungry.
“I just wanted to see that other families had something more than what they can just open out of a box,” Clampet said.
The idea of Crops for Christ was planted when he started a small garden that had way too many cucumbers, so he put some out on a small roadside stand for people to take.
From there, the idea started to grow and so did Clampet’s garden. What he plants depends on the season, but year-round he helps others.
“All they need to do is say, ‘hey we need help, we’d like your help,'” Clampet explained. “We’ll show up to their house with a box or bag of vegetables.”
The crops are being used for a cause, making sure families always have a fresh meal on the table.
If you’re a family that needs help, you can send Crops for Christ a message on Facebook.
They’re also always looking for donations.