The Cambria County War Memorial Arena has been home for hockey games, concerts and events since the 1950s. Now, it’s has a new name: 1st Summit Arena @ Cambria County War Memorial.

Tuesday, 1st Summit Bank signed a 10-year naming rights deal for $720,000 with the War Memorial Authority Board.

“The War Memorial is a gathering place. Everybody knows it. Everybody comes here,” said Elmer Laslo, President & CEO of 1st Summit Bank.

1st Summit Bank will also give $1,000 a year to both youth hockey programs and the Memorial’s Veterans Committee.

“This is the entertainment center of this area. It’s also is the center that honors veterans in this area. We knew the partner would have it’s name on it, but at the same time we insisted Cambria County War Memorial would remain in the title,” said Marty Kuhar, Veterans Committee Chairman for the Cambria County War Memorial Authority.

Arena officials said the money will pay for capital improvements like lighting and security upgrades. It will also allow the arena to host more events.

“It’s our intention to make it a focal point for entertainment for Cambria County,” said Dean Gindlesperger, Chairman of the Cambria County War Memorial Authority Board 

Authority board members said a few years ago, they were barely making enough money to keep the arena’s doors open. Now, they say things are looking up.

“A lot of times, these facilities can’t book a big event and then have it flop on then. This way they’ll have room to do more things. That’s one of the reasons they wanted to do it and why we wanted to be involved with it,” Laslo said.

1st Summit Bank hopes to upgrade the logos in the rink and outside the building by the Tomahawks home opener on October 14, 2017.