A special birthday party celebrated the lives of two locals who lost their battles with cancer.
Brian Morden and Tim Piper both would have turned 35 this year.
On Sunday, Morden’s family, who started The Brian Morden Foundation, hosted the party in Duncansville to honor them.
The foundation raises money to help other local kids battling cancer.
Brian’s mom, Dawn, said it’s bittersweet celebrating her son’s birthday without him, but she wants to do what it takes so other parents don’t have to experience the same loss.
“It just makes me grateful that i can do something good as opposed to just mourning th fact that Brian is not here anymore,” said Morden, the president and co-founder of the Brian Morden Foundation.
She said she would like to make the party an annual fundraiser to celebrate all kids who are fighting cancer and remember those who have passed away.