A Centre County man is facing more than a dozen charges in an alleged child abuse case. Now, he’s one step closer to trial.

A judge bound all charges against 32 year old Brian Hill over for trial on Wednesday. His charges stem from two alleged incidents that are said to have occurred in December 2016.

The state trooper who arrested Hill testified during his preliminary hearing.

Hill is accused of sexually assaulting a minor on three separate occasions. Police said when the child told Hill she would tell someone about what happened, he got a gun, pointed it at her and threatened to shoot her and others.

The trooper said when Hill was asked about the incident involving a gun, he did not deny that it happened.

But Hill’s attorney claims all of the allegations are false. He tried to question the child’s credibility during the hearing.

The judge bound all charges against Hill over to trial. Hill remains in Centre County Jail on $225,000 bail.