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Auditor General takes aim at gun violence

Auditor General Eugene Depasquale announced that he is taking aim at gun violence.

Depasquale says that recent violence in the country and what he deemed “inaction” in D.C. has sparked his effort.

The first phase of his plan, he says is to look at the enforcement of current gun laws. 

Secondly, he says he plans on meeting with members of both sides of the gun debate in order to find common ground to help legislators.

“As a society we must be able to find common ground on the issue to reduce gun violence while protecting peoples rights under the current law to own a fire arm. It’s the morally responsible thing to do to reduce gun violence,” said Depasquale.

Depasquale says from 2005 to 2014, Pennsylvania  ranked 18th in the nation in police officers killed by a firearm.