Auditor General Eugene DePasquale says the government shutdown is affecting Americans in ways politicians can’t imagine.

“As the federal government shutdown drags into the new year, more and more Americans are going to feel the impact,” said DePasquale.

More than 130 national parks are now closed because of the shutdown.

Auditor General DePasquale continued by saying:

“Couples planning their weddings in national parks that are now closed are being forced to find alternative venues,” he said. “People getting married in parks want to be there because they love these national treasures and, often, because they can’t afford to go to the Caribbean.

“This is another example of how President Trump and Congress are out of touch with real Americans, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck and are affected by the shutdown in ways the Washington elites can’t even imagine.

“Once again, I am calling for an immediate stop for paychecks to all elected federal officials until the government shutdown is resolved.”