ALTOONA, Pa. (WTAJ) –An Altoona man has been charged with multiple misdemeanor accounts of stalking and harassing a woman he was delivering food to.

53-year-old Robert S. Wales was delivering Chipotle to a woman through the Door Dash Delivery App.

Police say hours after dropping off the food, Wales returned to the woman’s home and lingered around talking about his personal life, and left a note with his name, number and a request for her to call him, after being asked to leave.

The woman called Wales saying his actions were inappropriate and apologized if she had given him the idea that she has interest in him.

Calls, voicemails and text messages were made from Wales after he was deliberately was told not to contact the woman again.

Wales was arrested and arraigned on Thursday and released on an unsecured bond of $15,000.

His preliminary hearing is scheduled for next Wednesday.