A dozen area children received gifts Thursday that are designed to transform their lives.

The Children’s Charity Variety presented five adaptive bikes, five adaptive strollers and two communication devices to children with disabilities.

The happy event took place at CenClear child services in Philipsburg.

The specially-made bikes go to ensure that all children can have a bike regardless of their disability.

The strollers provide more mobility for the kids, and a device called “my voice “, helps kids with speech problems communicate.

In total, those gifts were worth nearly $19,000, and for some of them it was their very first bike.

“It’s everything everybody should be a part of this program.” says Buffy Kruis, the mother of one of those children. “It’s great for children with special needs. They’ve really come a long way to help them out.”

Thursday’s generosity from Variety didn’t end with these presentations.

Afterward, Variety fitted three more children for bikes.

That’s the last step in the application process before ordering the equipment.

Variety hopes word of those presentations spread.

They’re hoping to identify other eligible children who could benefit from their own adaptive bike, stroller, and communication device.