Thomas Brown spent five years in the army but it was after he served when his struggle truly began.
His family has been struggling with alcoholism his entire life, and his alcoholism eventually led him to jail time.
“It was pretty bad, I was black out, I had no control of myself,” Brown said. “I drank so much I didn’t know what I was doing.”
After getting out of jail, he was homeless with nowhere to turn to but the Veterans Multi-Service Center.
They helped him find an apartment, pay his security deposit and gave him the groceries and furniture he needed to start over.
To qualify for their services, you have to serve at least one day of active service.
“We’ve pulled people out of the woods, we’ve pulled people off of the street, we’ve pulled people out of cars, people in shelters that didn’t know where they would turn to tomorrow, we do it all,” Reggie Falls, an outreach specialist with the Veterans Multi-Service Center said.
Now Brown is focusing on rebuilding his life by working as a chef at Gigi’s Southern Table. His next goal is to go to divinity school.
“There is a great need for people to see change, to see that you can come out of the problems you were in,” Brown said.
For more information on the Veterans Multi-Service Center, you can dial 211 or call (717) 810-6767.