On Thursday folks in State College celebrated diversity through a national campaign.

“Love Has No Labels” promotes inclusion and highlights biases we may not be aware of.

Representatives for the campaign said it’s something that should be discussed more openly.

From race to age, or even sexuality, there’s a topic everyone can relate to to some extent.

Ellyn Fisher, Senior VP of PR and Social Media for Ad Council, said it’s a campaign raising awareness for self-awareness.

“We found in our research that most people consider themselves unbiased, unprejudiced. But we’re all human, we all have biases that we don’t even realize against people that might be different from us,” Fisher said.

Fisher is a Penn Sate graduate and said she’s excited to bring the campaign to Centre County.

The campaign also provides a quiz to uncover biases you may have.

For more information or to take the quiz, click here.