Ron Gray has only lived in Florida for 6-years, so hurricanes are something very new to him and his wife. 

He says he’s bracing himself,  because in a couple of hours, the eye is expected to hit right where he lives.

“It’s our first time experience with a hurricane, especially one of this magnitude.  It’s very scary,” said Gray.

The couple lived in Central Pennsylvania for 62-years before retiring to Southern Florida 6-years ago.  Now they’re watching the whipping winds, heavy rain, and swaying trees from their windows.

Once Florida Governor Rick Scott gave the order to evacuate, Gray says it was too late.

“We were just standing by waiting to find out do we need to evacuate?  Well, when it got to the point, ‘yes it’s time, you better get out,’ the traffic was backed up.  There were wrecks, there were fires.  You couldn’t get out,” said Gray

As Irma crashes into the western coast of Southern Florida, the conditions are becoming dangerous.

“The winds have really kicked up, and our streets are starting to flood, and the trees are just swaying, the wires are swaying,” said Gray.

For now, Gray says the only thing they can do now is hunker down.