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3+1 agreements with Saint Francis University yield student success and strengthen bond

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College has strong ties with other local colleges and universities that are second to none. One partnership is the college’s 3+1 artculation agreements with Saint Francis University, that delivers on providing a clear path to student success. The agreements allow Penn Highlands’ students to transfer 98 course credits to a bachelor’s degree at Saint Francis University. The students much complete the final 30 credits with Saint Francis after earning the associate degree in order to finish the bachelor’s degree.

A unique aspect of our partnership with Saint Francis University is that it contains a consortium agreement. This allows Saint Francis and Penn Highlands to work together to ensure that financial aid can be used, for any qualifying students, to cover costs associated with taking classes at both colleges at the same time.

Between the two colleges, there are six 3+1 articulation agreements in place that create a seamless transfer option for Penn Highlands’ graduates to complete a bachelor’s degree at Saint Francis. The argreements in place include:

“When regional colleges work together as Penn Highlands and Saint Francis are doing, we can help students meet their educational goals without excessive student debt to contend with when they graduate,” stated Dr. Walter Asonevich, President of Penn Highlands. “That can make it easier for them to remain here, work here, and contribute to the growth and development of our region.”

The 3+1 agreements have gained momentum in recent years.