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Local man celebrates milestone

For more than 60 years Robert “Bob” Whysong has been selling used cars in Duncansville.
Now he’s coming up on his 90th birthday and says after all this time it’s just about hard work and doing what you love.
“I just started when I was a young guy and I just kept doing it,” Whysong said.
The shop opened in May of 1952 when Bob’s friend – another car salesman – asked if he wanted to start a business together. 
“I sold as many as like 300 cars in one year,” Whysong said.
They worked together for a couple of months, his friend quit, and then Whysong took over. 
“Just keep working. That’s all you do.”
Whysong is turning 90 on Valentine’s Day, but his age isn’t stopping him from working. 
“I don’t want to retire,” he said. “I like to work. As long as I have the health!  I couldn’t sit around and not do anything. I’ve worked since I was a kid.”
“These guys show everybody up – as far as I’m concerned – on how to do things and on bein’ honest,” said Duncansville Police Chief James Ott.
Chief Ott has known Whysong since he was just a kid.
“Ninety years old and he’s still here,” Ott said. “I watch him. It’s amazing now that I’m a police chief of the borough of a town I used to come and visit with my dad and his friend.”
Chief Ott said used car salesmen usually get a bad rap, but there’s nobody quite like Whysong.  He said he knows plenty of people that would agree.
“Fantastic guy in a small town,” Ott said. “This is what America was built on and there’s a prime example right there to show it.”
After all these years, Whysong still buys cars, buffs and waxes them and will change your oil. 
“I just buffed and waxed a car out there in the garage,” he said.  He added that he doesn’t think he’ll stop anytime soon.
“Keep working as long as you can,” he said. “Too many guys sit down and they want to retire. Then they sit down and deteriorate.  One of these days maybe I’ll say that’s enough, but I haven’t made up my mind yet.”