From New York to Italy, Tara Tyger has traveled the world learning all she can about the culinary arts.
Now she’s back in her home state as the Executive Chef for Depot at DooLittles where the dining experience is unlike any other.
It’s an interesting concept with the train cars being the dining. We have two different dining options. We have the 1950s diner car, which is kind of updated diner food,” said Tyger. “And then we a 1913 parlor train car. It’s been all redone mahogany. It’s for fine dining, special occasions. I try to do local and organic and fresh, seasonal meats and seafoods in the fine dining.”
Tyger works hard to use local ingredients in her recipes and one of her latest dishes in receiving national attention.
She’s competing against chefs across the country for the Blended Burger Project. A competition where quality and nutrition matters.
“In my blended burger you have to use 25% cultivated mushrooms with your meat and then the rest is up to you.”
Tyger calls her specialty “The BB3”.
“I named it the BB3 because it’s better for you to eat and decrease the amount of meat. It’s a better tasting burger, the mushrooms give it a juiciness. And three because it’s better for the environment to consume less beef.”
Another special ingredient are the roasted heirloom tomatoes, “Those are also local, Pennsylvania grown heirloom tomatoes. And chive blossoms that we get from a local farm and we just pull the blossoms off the blossoming chive,” said Tyger.
The burger is one of many dishes that are healthy and not your typical diner food.