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Local business dishes out hundreds of pounds of sauerkraut

A family owned business in Blair County is dishing out hundreds of pounds of sauerkraut, just a few days before the new year. 
Holland Brother’s Meats has been in business since the 1960’s.
Fourth generation German owner Brock Holland says each New Years they make sauerkraut the old fashioned way, in a barrel. 
“We’ll go through about 8 to ten of those this week. So 5 to 7 thousand pounds depending what we do today and tomorrow.”
It takes eight weeks to cure. Holland’s has about thirty barrels, each with about 500 pounds of sauerkraut.
Longtime customer Bette Smith of Duncansville dropped by to pick up some hot dogs to go along with her sauerkraut.
“It’s a new years tradition and they’re the best hot dogs around,” she said. 
Holland says they have a couple thousand pounds of pork ready for customers,  many looking for hotdogs.
“Right now we have I’d say a thousand pounds of our homemade hot dogs on stock and we’ll sell them today and tomorrow,” explained Holland. 
Holland says December is the busiest time of the year. 
“You have Christmas hams and then you straight into hams to pork and sauerkraut, there is no break.”
Bette couldn’t even find a parking spot. 
“I drove around the building and came up again. I mean it’s busy, so I’m not the only one everyone likes Hollands” 
Holland Brother’s Meats look locally to make their products.
“The cabbage we buy it locally we deal with Jim Benshoff, up in Benshoff Farms in New Germany. We buy our pigs locally.”
The shop will be open Saturday from 8am to 4pm, just in time for folks to grab their sauerkraut for their New Year dinners.