Our Morgan Koziar was live at an alpaca farm getting a close look at these animals and how the community can learn from them. Tammy Crum, owner of Lily Mountain Alpacas has owned her farm for seven years and currently has 25 alpacas on the farm. Tammy has two types of breeds of alpaca: Suri and Huacaya.

Morgan learned about the difference between an alpaca and a llama – which is a commonly asked question according to Tammy. She says llamas are significantly larger weighing in around 300-400 lbs. while the alpacas are around 150 lbs.

Tammy wants to encourage agrotourism on the farm because she thinks it’s important to allow people to learn about the animals and their needs.

The alpacas enjoyed some carrots for snacking – which is like their version of candy. Tammy talked about their large protruding bottom teeth – which are pretty hard to miss. She says alpacas also have special molars in the back of their mouth – which brings us to the next point of why they look they’re constantly chewing. It’s a term called ruminating, which basically means chewing cud. That’s how alpacas keep warm.

Alpacas are native to South America and are commonly utilized for their fiber or fur. Tammy sells items in her shop that are made from alpaca fiber. She also enters the fiber into competitions.