Women in our region now have access to new mammography technology. J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital in Huntingdon was one of the first in our region to get 3D mammography, and recently the imaging department upgraded that equipment. 
 A traditional  mammogram, an X-ray of the breast makes it possible to see tumors, too small to feel.  3D mammography provides greater detail. 
J.C. Blair now uses an even newer, 3D technology called C-view. It’s a computerized imaging system that eliminates the need for additional  images. So a woman spends less time with her breast compressed and receives less radiation.
Breast Health Coordinator  Penny Shope says, “already,  the radiologist has said how much more clear  the pictures are, more precise and detailed,  and our  patients are really commenting that they appreciate half the compression  time. And they also really appreciate  having only half the exposure dose.”
J.C. Blair is holding a  mammography screening day Saturday October 15 for women who ave trouble  scheduling the test during the week.They have a few spots open, but you do need a physicians order to get the mammogram. For more information call (814) 643-8624.