You can get a sneak peek of Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl halftime performance if you score an invite to her house.

The pop superstar has built a stage in her Southern California backyard to rehearse. And since it’s Gaga, we are not talking a little stage.

The singer posted a snippet of a video on Instagram showing her and her crew in front of a large white tent.

“SuperBowl Rehearsal is so fun,” the caption reads. “We built a tent in my backyard with a dancefloor to practice! We love you monsters, can’t wait to perform for u!”

She also posted a pic of herself wearing an NFL shirt with the caption, “Rehearsal #cantstopwontstop dream big and never give up #halftime.”

Gaga, known for her outlandish costumes, sang the national anthem last year at Super Bowl 50. Next month she’ll succeed Coldplay, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars and Beyonce as recent Super Bowl halftime acts.

The Super Bowl will be Sunday, Feb. 5, at NRG Stadium in Houston.

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