HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) — With Pennsylvania being a state to watch in the 2020 General Election,
both Presidential candidates have been making sure they make their stops here. Today it’s former Vice President Joe Biden’s turn.

Joe Biden will recognize working families on this Labor Day when he makes a stop in Harrisburg later today.

Today’s event will be virtual but Biden will hold it from the Second Street headquarters of the Pennsylvania American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. There he will take a moment to highlight working families while also taking questions from union workers. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka will join him.

Both candidates for president have made a point of spending time in the commonwealth in recent weeks. President Trump held a rally in Latrobe, about an hour outside of Pittsburgh on Thursday.
Joe Biden gave remarks from Pittsburgh earlier in the week.

Both candidates plan to commemorate the 19th anniversary on September 11th by visiting the flight 93 memorial in Shanksville.

Anyone interested in viewing today’s event can watch it on facebook.com/aflcio at 4:15 p.m.