Governor Tom Wolf announced an investment of $81.9 million for sixteen drinking water, wastewater and non-point source projects across twelve counties through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) today.

$60.7 million will go towards low interest loans and $21.2 million is awarded through grants.

The funding comes from voter approved state funds, federal grants from the Environmental Protection Agency and recycled loan repayments from previous Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority funding awards. Funds for the projects are disbursed after bills for work are paid and receipts are submitted to PENNVEST.

Locally, Lorain borough in Cambria County received a $3.6 million loan and a $2.7 million dollar grant to reduce the amount of water inflow into its sewage collection system and associated wet weather discharges into Stonycreek River by making repairs to their system. The work includes later connections to within five feet of  homes and other structures served by the system.