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Greater Johnstown School District moves to hybrid model

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (WTAJ) — The Greater Johnstown School District is reopening on Sept. 8 under a hybrid model combining in-person and virtual instruction.

This decision was determined at Tuesday evening’s school board meeting under the new recommendations of Governor Wolf.

The district said that families who chose a full-time traditional model with in-person instruction will now follow the hybrid model. Any families that chose a full-time virtual model will be unaffected by this change.

Middle school and high school model

The model for the middle and high school separates students into four equal groups based on the alphabet. The schedule for in-person instruction is below:

1A-F & All associate degree program juniors/seniorsMonday
3M-R & All associate degree program juniors/seniorsWednesday
ALLAll remote learningFriday

All students will be learning remotely on Fridays. Students will have one day of in-person instruction per week.

Elementary school model

Under the hybrid model for elementary students, students will have in-person instruction two days a week and will learn virtually for three days a week. During in-person instruction, students will stay with their homeroom teacher throughout the day and will not switch classrooms except for lunch.

Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria and the gym.

The schedule is below:

A-KMonday and TuesdayWednesday, Thursday, Friday
L-ZWednesday and ThursdayMonday, Tuesday, Friday

The district is reminding families that all educational decisions must be made before 3:30 p.m. on Aug 31, whether the decision is to go hybrid or virtual.