Gardner’s Candies in Tyrone has mixed chocolate with politics. Local politicians stopped in to take part in Gardner’s newest promotion where customers flip a chocolate coin with the faces of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on each side. The people at Gardner’s tally the flips in order to figure out who will our next president. As contentious as this race is, today was a chance for a little fun. 
State Representative Judy Ward explained,”To come out and just poke fun at each other, you know, we had one Democrat in the group, three Republicans and we had fun with it.”
Mayor Bill Fink of Tyrone jested, “I still think it was a one sided coin for Hillary, but Sam won’t show it to me.” 
Although it was for fun, they still wanted to make sure that their candidates face would be the one face up.
State Senator John Eichelberger said, “I was a little nervous. I’m a Republican and I wanted to make sure that my side came up on the Trump side and it did so i was fortunate.”
So far, political discussions have already found their way to the candy store. President of Gardner’s Candies Sam Phillips explained, “Some people already have been talking about it. A little contentious but that’s the fun of it. And we want people to talk about it, think about it and remind them to get out to vote.”
Whether you’re voting Republican, Democrat or third party, we can all agree on chocolate. You can keep track of the tallies by following Gardner’s Facebook page