Statements from El Paso Law Enforcement and religious leaders regarding the tragic shooting in Dallas overnight at the conclusion of a Black Lives Matter rally that was otherwise, a very peaceful rally continue to come into NewsChannel 9’s newsroom today.


” Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the officers, DPD and DART”

El Paso Catholic Diocese

“My heart is broken to hear that last night, in my former home of Dallas, once again violence has been employed against innocent people, this time against police officers who have dedicated their lives to protecting us, men and women who were guarding a peaceful protest.  In a week in which the country is rightly horrified by what appears to have been unprovoked shootings of people of color, the cycle of violence has continued to exact its terrible toll.  

The temptation in the face of this violence is to further arm ourselves and to further militarize our society.  The more guns proliferate in our communities, the more often guns will be resorted to in times of anger and stress with long-lasting consequences.

The Las Cruces Police Departments extends its collective thoughts and prayers today to the men and women of the…

— Las Cruces Police (@LasCrucesPolice) July 8, 2016

More than ever I believe that only love can break the cycle of violence and only the love of God revealed in Jesus can provide the strength we need to love as much as we must to find the way to justice and peace.

I ask the El Paso Catholic community to join me in prayer today and in the difficult days ahead for those who were killed, the wounded and their families.”

– BP Mark Seitz