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‘Easter for Eli’ accepting easter baskets for children

It’s been 8 years since 3-year-old Elias Garrett lost his battle with Non-Hodgkins T-Cell Lymphoma.

In his memory, his father created “Easter for Eli.”

It’s an organization collecting Easter baskets to deliver to children in hospitals over the holiday.

Donations are accepted across the region, with the only requirements being that baskets be labeled by age group and that there is no food or candy in them.

Eli’s father, Martin Garrett,  said he created the organization because he remembered how happy gifts made his son, while he was in the hospital.

“Whenever we was brought the simplest things, a gift package it brightened my sons eyes and in turn that helps alleviate stress from the family as well,” Garrett said.

Easter basket donations are due by April, 2nd 2017.

Below are a list of drop off locations:

The organization hopes to get involved with hair donations, as well.