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Debate Night: Round 2

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump faced off in their second presidential debate tonight.  The town hall-style event featured questions from audience members as well as the moderators.  And it didn’t take long for the sparks to start flying. 
The candidates did not shake hands at the state of the debate. The frosty tone continued as the two answered questions about the video released Friday on which Trump was heard using vulgar language and bragging about groping women.
Trump: “Yes I’m embarrassed by it. I hate it. But it’s locker room talk”
Clinton:  “I think it’s clear to anyone who heard it, It represents exactly who he is.”
Trump then brought up sexual misconduct allegations made against Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton.
Trump: “He was impeached he lost his license to practice law he paid $825k fine to one of those women – Paula Jones who’s here with us tonight.”
Clinton:  “I am reminded about what my friend Michelle Obama advised us all – when they go low, you go high.”
Trump also attacked Clinton on her deleted emails.
Trump:  “You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Clinton:  “Anything to avoid talking bout your campaign and how it’s exploding.”
Eventually the audience were able to ask some questions about more substantive issues including healthcare and Muslim-American relations.
Clinton went after Trump on his taxes.
Clinton: “People like Donald who pay zero in taxes for vets for health education, that is wrong.”
Moderator Anderson Cooper then asked Trump, “Did you use that 916 million loss to avoid paying personal taxes?” 
Trump: “Of course I do! And so do all of her donors or most of her donors.”
Clinton and Trump have one last matchup next week.