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Could your healthcare costs be going up?

Starting next month, many Americans will face important decisions about their healthcare coverage for next year.
Open enrollment for Medicare begins October 15, and on November 1, for the federal health insurance exchange, which is part of the Affordable Care Act.  
That’s when people covered by either program need to look at  changes in premiums, deductibles and prescription coverage in next year’s plans. J.C. Blair Health System is hosting an outreach event September 26 and 27 in the hospital lobby in Huntingdon, to help residents explore and understand their options.
Health insurance experts from the Area Agency on Aging and the Huntingdon County Office of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services will join J.C. Blair’s Certified Application Counselor Gail Young to provide information about health insurance options through the federal Marketplace, Medicare, and Medical Assistance.
For more information, contact Gail Young at (814) 643-8885 or email her at  http://gyoung@jcblair.org