Students from the Bellwood-Antis school district showed Maddie Shura and her family that they are not fighting alone. The seven year old is fighting an inoperable brain tumor.

Children from Myers elementary marched around the track with signs and cheer in support of Maddie. Maddie loves cheerleading and Friday night football, so the varsity cheering and football teams came out to support. Alexis Kensinger is one of the captains of the cheerleading squad. She said, “I just love that I get to make a difference with her like that. Since cheering for me, at a football game, like means something so little to me but it meant so much to her.”

The football team had no issue with reversing roles to cheer on Maddie. One of the players, Ethan McGee explained, “It means a lot to everybody, not just to myself but a lot of people on the team wish they could be out here but they couldn’t. Just to show Maddie that they support her and wish her the best.”

Maddie’s father, Jason, explained that the positivity means a lot. He said, “Seeing all the support that we have coming from the community and from the school is unbelievable. It really helps drive us in terms of her fight and keeping her going and doing what we need to do for her.”
The Shura family will be taking Maddie to Germany in January to try a new treatment.