Sandy Township is one of 12 areas being considered for both a medical marijuana grow and distribution facility. The company BioPharma is looking at land in the Corbet Industrial Park on Platt road, near the state police barracks. While, the proposed area for the dispensary is at 1222 South Brady Street in Dubois.

Last week the township supervisors decided in a 3 to 2 split vote, the township would send a letter of support to the company. The township manager, David Monella, says it’s a decision many are split on, and it’s something that can be seen even within the township’s supervisors’ decisions. 

The decision by the company is in it’s preliminary stages of the decision. If Sandy Township were to be chosen, an application would have to be submitted, and approvals on both the state and local levels would have to be made. Zoning in Sandy Township would not interfere with the decision, says Monella, “The area that they’re looking at is already zoned for commercial industries.” 

This is uncharted waters for the township, as it is unprecedented for the area. Monella is encouraging residents to become informed by doing independent research along with speaking to local officials.