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Change in flu vaccines for children

The CDC has made a major announcement when it comes to the flu vaccine and children.  A CDC advisory committee has voted that the nasal spray vaccine ” Flu Mist” should not be used in the upcoming flu season. 
Dr. Joseph Bresee, is the Director of the Influenza Division at the CDC. He says, “two of the last three seasons it hasn’t worked at all. At least in our hands. We haven’t seen any of our data that indicates the vaccine has been effective. On the other hand , the flu shot has been effective .”
It’s estimated that about a third of children get the nasal spray vaccine each year.  Earlier data found the nasal spray was actually more protective than shots for children.  Health officials don’t known why spray isn’t as effective now. 
The makers of the nasal spray say the CDC’s effectiveness data contrasts with studies done by Astra Zeneca as well as other findings.  The company says it’s working with the CDC.
Federal health officials hope parents wont be discouraged and will continue having their children vaccinated.
Estimates show the nasal spray accounts for less than 10 percent of the  flu vaccine supply every year.