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Central PA Reflects on Charleston Shooting

BELLEFONTE – People came out to the Emanuel AME Church during normally scheduled service Sunday.
On Wednesday, police said Dylann Roof shot and killed 9 people inside during a bible study.
The church opened for that service to a large crowd, mourning the loss of their community members and rejoicing in the unity and compassion felt by all in Charleston.
A memorial to the victims grew outside the church, as church bells rang out in remembrance.
But it wasn’t just South Carolina where they were gathering. Here in Central Pennsylvania, churches came together, to remember the victims.
The community came together to honor those who lost their lives at Emanuel AMEChurch. A few dozen gathered at the memorial service where they sang and reflected on Wednesday’s events together.
Organizers said it was a way for people to remember and celebrate the lives lost, even if they did not have a personal connection to those in Charleston, and it was also a way to move forward.
They said they believe we do this by gathering with family and friends.
“For me in terms of the service and our community, it’s so that we stand together and that we go beyond lines of color and nationalities and bind together,” said Rev. Kathleen Danley of the Albright-Bethune United Methodist Church.

Organizers of Sunday afternoon’s service describe it as a nation that is crying for these victims and their families.

The service welcomed anyone from any religion or background to unite and reflect.