St. Francis University is preparing to host one of the most prominent cardinals in the Catholic church.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan is the Archbishop of New York and will be on campus March 30.

Father Joe Lehman said Cardinal Dolan is good friends with alumni Lou DiCerbo and his wife, Pat, who established an endowment for the University.

Cardinal Dolan will hold a mass at 4 p.m. at the Maurice Stokes Athletic Center,

A dinner will follow at the John F. Kennedy Student Center.

Father Joe said it’s a special occasion for the campus and the community.

“For him to be able to come and visit here, to be able to speak to our students…he’s a very personable human being but also just a great figure for our Catholic church,” Father Joe said.

Tickets for the mass are available for free to the public. 

For more information click here.