It was a day of celebration and hope at Delgrosso’s Amusement Park for the Cancer Survivor’s Appreciation Picnic. 1,400 people registered for the event where doctors and patients came together to celebrate triumph over cancer. 
Jerry Murray, the President of the UPMC of Altoona and Bedford, said of the event, “There isn’t a person, that I don’t believe, is here that, if they don’t have cancer, don’t have it directly, knows someone that has cancer or passed away from cancer so, it’s an opportunity for families to come together share their stories, be supportive of one another.”
Dr. Dianna Craig spoke on the opportunity the event brought for doctors to see their patients outside of the hospital setting. She said, “It gives that human interest, that touch of being human, and not that strict medical environment that you see your patients in.” 
Michael F. Johnston is one of the survivors that was in attendance. He beat pancreatic cancer and is appreciative of his doctor, Dr. Tsung, and his staff. He said, “I lucked out big time by running into them. He’s a terrific doctor. And his nurse, nursing staff, they couldn’t treat you any better. So I’m a lucky guy.”
Through it all, Johnston still has his humor. He explained that he has a hernia surgery next month that was caused by his incision….and maybe something else. he explained, “I guess the hoagies I’m eating are too big, I don’t know. But it’s pushing it out. That’s trivial compared to what I’ve gone through.”